Friday, September 11, 2015

Affirmation Vitamins

Hello Beautiful!

Thank you for checking in and joining today's discussion about positive affirmations. If you have never heard of this word, an affirmation can be words or a saying that inspire you in some sort of way.  It is the evidence of your goal and your desire stated in a positive way.

When I first decided to start my Mary Kay business, my self-esteem was in the toilet. Being surrounded by other successful women that have nothing but positive and uplifting things to say to you every time they see or speak to you is what drew me to this company.  At first I was a little taken back by it and if you're not a person that hears positive things about yourself often, it may seem awkward or strange at first. Don't worry that feeling doesn't last long and eventually you will believe every word and regain your self-confidence (and I'm speaking from personal experience).

On my journey of self improvement I was taught how to create an affirmation and how to use it. First, when creating your own affirmation make sure you word it as if it already happened. An example for someone who is trying to lose weight might be "I am so happy every day! The pounds just seem to melt away and it's wonderful how great I feel today!"  Now that you have created your affirmation what do you do with it?  Independent Executive Senior Sales Director, Edie Norquist of Bloomington, Minn., shares the following:

"Affirmation Vitamins. She says to take one each day of the month. Read them aloud three times a day. Swallow these vitamins with excitement juice and follow by shouting, "I am excited!"

If you're a little affirmation challenged (like me) here is a list of 20 affirmations you can say daily.  I've bolded some of my personal favorites.

  1. I can, I will, I MUST!
  2. Do it now. Do it now!
  3. I have the will to succeed!
  4. I'm a make-a-way, find-a-way, above-average-in-every-way woman!
  5. I feel passionate about my goals!
  6. I am on a mission to step up!
  7. I succeed by helping others succeed!
  8. I am so hot, I sizzle!
  9. How high I am, how much I see, how far I reach, depends on me!
  10. The ability to beat the odds lies within me!
  11. My dreams create my future!
  12. I have good news, I will pass it on!
  13. I have a standard of excellence in my life!
  14. If I can conceive it and believe it, I can achieve it!
  15. In all risk there is reward!
  16. Some will, some won't, so what? Someone is waiting!
  17. I expect miracles!
  18. I love people!
  19. I believe that what's to come is up to me!
  20. I deserve to be royalty!

Thank you for reading and I hope this helped you change your thinking and opinion of yourself. Keep that positive feeling going by taking your affirmation vitamins daily!

Love & Belief,
Chantel Bernal

(PS. Don't forget to follow me on your favorite social media! I'm on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram!)

Rather listen to songs with positive lyrics? 
Check out my Affirmation Beats play list!
Subscribe to channel to get updates to this playlist!

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